
재무제표 영어 용어 정리

리차슨 2023. 8. 20. 16:49


재무제표(Financial Statements)




재무제표 영어 용어 정리

한국어 영어
감가상각누계액 Accumulated depreciation
감가상각비 Depreciation cost
건물관리비 Building maintenance fee
결손금처리액 Disposition of deficit
경상연구개발비 Ordinary research and development
계약자산 Contract assets
공기구비품 Equipment
과세소득 Taxable profit
관계기업투자주식 Investment shares in associates
광고선전비 Advertising expenses
교육훈련비 Training expenses
기대신용손실에 대한 손실충당금 Loss allowance for expected credit losses
기타영업외손익 Other non-operating income
기타포괄손익누계액 Accumulated other comprehensive income
납입자본 Paid-in capital
단기대여금 Short-term loans
단기차입금 Short-term borrowings
담보제공자산 Assets pledged as collateral
당기근무원가 Current service cost
당기손익공정가치측정금융자산 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss
당기순이익 Net income
당기순손실 Net profit or loss
대손상각비 Bad debt expense
대손충당금 Allowance for bad debts
도서인쇄비 Book and print
매입채무 Trade payable
매출액 Sales
매출원가 Cost of goods sold (COGS)
매출채권및기타채권 Accounts receivable and other receivables
매출총이익 Gross profit
무상증자 Capital increase without consideration
무형자산상각 Amortization expenses on intangible assets
미수금 Outstanding balance
미수수입 Accrued income
미지급금 Account payable
미지급법인세 Accrued taxes
미처리결손금 Unappropriated deficit
법인세차감전이익 Earnings before tax
법인세비용차감전순이익 Continuing operations income before income tax
보험료 Insurance premium
보험수리적손익 Actuarial gains and losses
부채 Liabilities
부채비율 Debt-to-equity ratio
사외적립자산 Plan assets
사용권자산 Right-of-use assets
상각후원가 Amortized costs
상계 Offset
선수금 Advance for customers
세금과공과금 Taxes and dues
소모품비 Consumable expenses
손상차손누계액 Accumulated impairment loss
손실충당금 Loss allowance
시부인표 Receivables investigation table
여비교통비 Travel & transportation expenses
영업외비용 Non-operating expenses
영업외수익 Non-operating income
영업이익 Operating income
영업활동현금흐름 Cashflow by operating activities
예수금 Withholdings
예측단위적립방식 Projected unit credit
외화환산손익 Foreign currency translation gain and loss
외화환산이익 Gain on foreign currency translation
외환차손 Loss on foreign currency transactions
외환차익 Gain on foreign currency transactions
우발부채 Contingent liabilities
우선주 Preference shares
운반비 Transportation expenses
유동자산 Current assets
유동성장기부채 Liquid long-term debt
유상증자 Paid-in capital increase
이연법인세자산 Deferred tax assets
이익잉여금 Earned surplus
이익잉여금 처분계산서 Statement of appropriation of earned surplus
이자비용 Interest expense
이자수익 Interest revenue
임차시설물 Lease facilities
자본잉여금 Capital surplus
잡이익 Miscellaneous income
전기이월미처리결손금 Unappropriated retained earnings carried over from prior years
전환사채 Convertible debt
접대비 Entertainment expenses
주당손익 Earnings per share
주식할인발행차금 Discounts on stock issuance
지급수수료 Commissions paid
지급임차료 Rent
지분법 Equity method
지분법 손실 Loss on valuation using equity method
지분상품 Equity instruments
차기이월미처리결손금 Unappropriated retained earnings carried over to next year
차량운반구 Delivery equipment or vehicle
채무상품 Debt instruments
채무증권 Debt securities
출원폐기손실 Loss on cancellation of patent application
충당부채 Provision
통신비 Communication expenses
퇴직급여부채 Reserve for severance benefits
투자차액 Differentials
판매 및 관리비 Cost of sales and management
확정급여제도의제측정요소 Remeasurement elements of defined benefit plans
현금및현금성자산 Cash and cash equivalents
현금흐름회피적립금누계액 Accumulated amount of cashflow hedge reserve
현재가치 할인차금 Present value discount amount
현재가치 할인차금 상각액 Present value discount amount of repayment
희석주당손익 Diluted earnings per share


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